Potencial del Cannabidiol para la terapia antidepresiva rápida: evidencias conductuales, neuroquímicas, moleculares y celulares : Implicación de los sistemas serotonérgico y glutamatérgico = Cannabidiol potential for fast-antidepressant therapy: behavioural, neurochemical, molecular and cellular evidences. Imp

  1. Linge Méndez, Raquel
Supervised by:
  1. Álvaro Marcelino Díaz Martínez Director
  2. Ángel Pazos Carro Director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 19 June 2015

  1. Javier Fernández Ruiz Chair
  2. Antonio Rodríguez Gaztelumendi Secretary
  3. Albert Adell Calduch Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 386778 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


Depression is the most prevalent psychiatric disorders of the developed world and however, current pharmacological treatments present a limited efficacy and a marked delay in the onset of action. As the plant of Cannabis sativa has been used for therapeutic purposes from ancient times to improve mood, in this doctoral thesis we have investigated the potential of cannabidiol for antidepressant therapy in an animal model of depression, as well as the neuropharmacological mechanism of action underlying. The findings of this work show that cannabidiol administration exerts antidepressant effects in a fast manner in the bulbectomy model of depression, through a 5-HT1A receptor-dependent mechanism of action. Cannabidiol actions entail serotonergic and glutamatergic enhancement in the prefrontal cortex of bulbectomized animals, and the reversal of the alterations of the bulbectomy model regarding 5-HT1A and CB1 receptors functionality, and the expression of protein markers associated to neuroprofliferation and neuroplasticity. The findings of this thesis support the efficacy of cannabidiol for the treatment of depression, what would represent an improved alternative to the current antidepressant treatments used in clinical practice, due to its quick actions and lack of adverse effects.