Toma de decisión en situaciones de emergencia bajo incertidumbre

  1. Liang, Wang
Dirixida por:
  1. Luis Martínez López Director
  2. Rosa Mª Rodríguez Domínguez Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 14 de novembro de 2018

  1. Francisco Javier Montero de Juan Presidente
  2. Macarena Espinilla Estévez Secretario/a
  3. Pavel Anselmo Álvarez Carrillo Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 581273 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Because of continuous burst of various emergency events (EEs) in recent years, different kinds of losses or damages (property, lives, environment etc.) have been caused that have exerted severely negative impacts on human life and socio-economic development. Since emergency decision-making (EDM) is a very important activity in mitigating and reducing the damages or losses caused by EEs, in which decision rnaker (DM) is usually in charge of such important activity in real world situations. Due to the importance of DM and EDM in dealing successfully with real world EEs, it has drawn increasing attention from both government and academia, becoming a very active and important research fteld. Despite the existing models and methods have been proposed to deal with EDM relevant problems and obtained fruitful achievernents, however, there are still sorne limitations and challenges needed to be study further, such as experts' psychological behavior and hesitation, experts' opinions fusion, heterogeneous inforrnation, dynamic evolution and so on.