La iconografía del premio lácteo de San Bernardo y su presencia en el Monasterio de Piedra

  1. Irene Lázaro Romero 1
  2. Herbert González Zymla 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Monasterio de Piedra, un legado de 800 años. Historia, arte, naturaleza y jardín
  1. Herbert González Zymla (coord.)
  2. Diego Prieto López (coord.)

Publisher: Institución "Fernando el Católico" ; Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-9911-581-8

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 209-234

Type: Book chapter


The lactatio Bernardi is an episode in Saint Bernard's life in which his devotion to the Virgin Mary was rewarded by recieving milk from the Virgin’s holy breast. This leyend was a late incorporation to the saint’s hagiography, since it can’t be found in any of the first hagiographies. It’s iconographic representation will be analysed, as well as it’s important symbolism and allegorical value, through the images of the lactatio that belonged to the monastery of Piedra. It’s origin in the written sources and in figurative art will be explained through it’s iconographic precedents.