La realidad virtual y el vídeo 360º en la comunicación empresarial e institucional

  1. Herranz de la Casa, José María 1
  2. Caerols Mateo, Raquel 2
  3. Sidorenko Bautista, Pavel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España
  2. 2 Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, España
Revista de comunicación

ISSN: 1684-0933 2227-1465

Any de publicació: 2019

Número: 18

Pàgines: 177-199

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.26441/RC18.2-2019-A9 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Altres publicacions en: Revista de comunicación


Addressing the presence and development of virtual reality in the professional field is a somewhat complex challenge. It is a current topic in multiple forums and an emerging field, but it has not consolidated a solid theoretical and academic basis on which to base its presence in society, as well as its possibilities in relation to the construction of storytelling, a new look and business models. This article explains the communicative use of virtual reality in the business and institutional spheres. It is proposed through a representative review of case studies the uses of the multimedia format with immersive capacity and virtual reality developed by some institutions, in order to delimit their intentionality to raise awareness, educate, entertain, inform or develop marketing strategies. In the same way, it describes if this format is only a fashion or a strategy to achieve presence of branding.

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