Calidad de Vida Profesional y Burnout en Técnicos de DrogodependenciasAnálisis Comparativo con otros Grupos Profesionales

  1. Ignacio García Barquero 1
  2. Macarena Gálvez Herrer 2
  3. Alfredo Rodríguez Muñoz 3
  1. 1 Médico. Centro de Atención a las Drogodependencias de San Blas, Madrid. España.
  2. 2 Psicóloga. Técnico Superior en P.R.L. Unidad de Valoración y Orientación al Profesional Sanitario Enfermo (UVOPSE-PAIPSE) Consejería de Sanidad de Madrid. España.
  3. 3 Psicólogo. Técnico Superior en P.R.L. Personal Investigador Dpto. Psicología Biológica y de la Salud, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. España.
Medicina y seguridad del trabajo

ISSN: 0465-546X 1989-7790

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 55

Issue: 217

Pages: 12-26

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S0465-546X2009000400002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Medicina y seguridad del trabajo

Sustainable development goals


Introduction: It is widely known that employees’ job satisfaction and well-being is related to its productivity and quality of work. In the case of drug dependence technicians, existing research about its professional quality of life is scarce, being this a group exposed to several job stressors linked to emotional workload, patients, work team, etc. Aim: The main purpose is to analyze the relationship between professional quality of life and burnout in drug dependence technicians, compared to other sanitary and no sanitary professionals groups. Material and method: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 233. 33% (n =77) are workers of drug dependence sector, 79 subjects work at sanitary area, and the rest of the sample (n =77) are general working population. All participants completed anonymously the Professional Quality of Life Questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Results and conclusions: Drug dependence professionals showed lower professional quality of life scores and higher of burnout than other groups. Several aspects of professional quality of life such as workload, intrinsic motivation, and supervisor support showed a main effect on burnout, confirming its importance in preventing burnout.

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