La Actividad Física Protege de la Obesidad a los Escolares Genéticamente Predispuestos

  1. Noemí López Ejeda 1
  2. Jesús Román Martínez 1
  3. Antonio Villarino 1
  4. María Dolores Cabañas 1
  5. Marisa González Montero de Espinosa 1
  6. Luis Miguel López Mojares 2
  7. Juan Francisco Romero Collazos 1
  8. Consuelo Prado 1
  9. Ana Alaminos 1
  10. María Dolores Marrodán 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España


  2. 2 Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Universidad Europea de Madrid

    Madrid, España


Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte

ISSN: 1579-5225

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 19

Issue: 1

Pages: 2-2

Type: Article

More publications in: Kronos: revista universitaria de la actividad física y el deporte


The anthropometric profile and body composition of 212 Spanish schoolchildren (10.81 ± 1.67 years old) were analysed, together with their level of physical activity and sedentariness. In addition, their genetic risk score for obesity was calculated from 10 SNPs. It was found that among schoolchildren with a genetic profile of greater predisposition to obesity (GR >6), the BMI of those considered "active" (more than 60 minutes per day) was 18.44± 2.62 Kg/m2, compared to 21.46 ± 3.70 of those not active. The %GC also varied between 26.14 ± 7.19 for the former and 28.25 ± 6.69 for the latter. The less sedentary schoolchildren (≤ 2h/day) presented a lower BMI than the more sedentary ones (>2 h/day): 18.73 ± 6.56 Kg/m2 versus 20.79 ± 3.87 respectively. The %GC varied between 26.41 ± 7.19 and 27.72 ± 7.04 between the first and second group. Therefore, it can be stated that the increase of physical activity and the reduction of sedentary life play a preponderant role in the prevention of overweight and excess adiposity, even when the subjects show an adverse genetic condition that predisposes them to be obese.

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