¿Es todavía viable un Estado palestino?Trabas y alternativas al proceso de paz

  1. Álvarez-Ossorio, Ignacio

Verlag: Fundación Alternativas

ISBN: 978-84-92957-25-5

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Art: Buch


The Middle East Peace Process is at a crossroads. After two decades of fruitless negotiations, Israelis and Palestinians are at what could be their last chance to reach an agreement to end the conflict. Time is crucial, because the possibilities of a viable Palestinian state decrease with the increase of the Israeli settlements. Instead of liberating the Palestinians, the Oslo Process has isolated them in dozens of cantons. This fact has fostered the idea that the two-State solution could vanish if an agreement is not reached soon. The The Gaza blockade, the West Bank settlement, the East Jerusalem judaization and the wall construction, seem to confirm that. The options at stake are well known: the maintenance of the current situation benefits Israel, because it can continue with its fait accompli policy to block a viable Palestinian state. A unilateral declaration of independence would be supported by the international community, but it would not solve the East Jerusalem future, the boundaries delimitation, or the refugees question. On the other hand, the Palestinian National Authority dissolution would force Israel to assume the responsibility over the occupied population, liberating the European Union of this burden. Other alternatives, such as the Jordanian option or the bi-national state, seem less viable today, but should not be completely dismissed in the medium and the long term if the two-state solution was discarded for good.