Peridotite xenoliths from the El Morrón de Villamayor volcano (Calatrava Volcanic Field)

  1. Javier García Serrano 1
  2. Carlos Villaseca 2
  3. Cecilia Pérez-Soba 2
  1. 1 Dpto. Mineralogía y Petrología. Facultad CC. Geológicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  2. 2 Instituto de Geociencias IGEO (UCM, CSIC).

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 67

Pages: 43-46

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta


The El Morrón de Villamayor (MVM) peridote xenoliths vary from orthopyroxene-poor lherzolite to wehrlite in modal composi-tion. This compositional feature contrasts with other Calatrava (CVF) xenolith suites. The studied xenoliths equilibrated at lower tempera-tures (618-942oC) and slightly shallower (8.8-13.6 kbar) conditions than other CVF peridotites. MVM peridotites show local intense in-teraction with the host leucitite displaying spongy rims around pri-mary clinopyroxene and also reaction zones with K-rich minerals (e.g., sanidine, leucite and richterite) and widespread clinopyroxene, olivine and spinel neoblasts. Nevertheless, the orthopyroxene-poor character of MVM peridotites might be caused by some previous metasomatic event.

Funding information

We thank Alfredo Fern?ndez Larios for his assistance with the electron microprobe analyses in the Centro Nacional de Microscop?a Electr?nica (UCM). We acknowledge Manuel D?az Azpiroz (editor), David Orejana and an anonymous reviewer their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper. This work is included in the objectives and supported by the CGL2016-78796 project of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci?n (MICINN), and the UCM 910492 group.


    • CGL2016-78796
    • UCM 910492