Nuevas aproximaciones al estudio de los espermatozoides: Análisis del movimiento flagelar y sus consecuencias en los espermatozoides de toroNew approach on the study of spermatozoa: Analisys of flagellar movement and its consequences on bull spermatozoa

  1. V. López-Rodas 1
  2. S. González-Gil
  3. A. Aguilera Bazán
  4. E. González de Chavarri Echániz 1
  5. L. de la Campa Díaz 1
  6. E. Costas Costas 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Archivos de zootecnia

ISSN: 0004-0592

Year of publication: 1992

Volume: 41

Issue: 155

Pages: 619-630

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de zootecnia


The consequence of flagellar movement on spermatozoa motility were analized using a high perfomance video-microscopical recording. Spermatozoa movement can be clasificated in three categories: a) Spermatozoa which follow rectilineous movement as consequence of a 2-dimension flagellar movement characterized by two flexion waves of same amplitude and period, with opposite sinus. If this waves overlappe, then spermatozoa run faster than in the absence of overlapping. b) Spermatozoa which follow curvilineous movement as consequence of a 2-dimension flagellar movement characterized by two flexion waves of different amplitude or period with opposite sinus. Many facts suggest that this spermatozoa have some functional or structural abnormality in their flagela tubuli system. c) Spermatozoa which follow helical trajectories as consequence of a 3-dimensional flagellar movement resembling a corkscrew. A flagellar movement followinga big pitch and small diameter helicoid produced a faster spermatozoa movement than a small pitch big diameter flagella r movement. In all the cases, a complete cycle of flagellar movement is performed in more than 0,7 s, and the maximun advance produced by the complete flagellar cycle can not supperate the total lengh of spermatozoa.