El análisis de la imagen fotográfica

  1. López Lita, Rafael ed. lit.
  2. Marzal Felici, José Javie ed. lit.
  3. Gómez Tarin, Francisco Javier ed. lit.

Publisher: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions ; Universitat Jaume I

ISBN: 978-84-8021-522-0 84-8021-522-4

Year of publication: 2005

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Teoría y Técnica de los Medios Audiovisuales (1. 2004. Castelló de la Plana)

Type: Book


Beyond the scientific study of the photographic image, this work allows us to confirm that photography is of immense interest within the contemporary iconosphere, and that it is relevant as a source of knowledge of the world surrounding us.