Seroprevalencia y conocimiento de vacunación en nuevos residentes
- Serrano Ramos, C 1
- Jiménez Bajo, L 1
- Bardón Fernández-Pacheco 1
- Valle Robles, M. L. I. 1
- O´Connor, S. 1
- Caso Pita, C 1
- 1 Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales del Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid.
ISSN: 0465-546X, 1989-7790
Año de publicación: 2009
Volumen: 55
Número: 214
Páginas: 101-110
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Medicina y seguridad del trabajo
Objective: To evaluate knowledge about vaccines, protection against vaccine-preventable diseases and labour medical history value. Methods: We obtained data on immunization status and serum antibodies against these diseases from 130 newcomers residents to our hospital that were enrolled from May to June 2008. Results: Their mean age was 26.7 years (62% women). They are Spanish 82%, from Centre and South America 17% and 1% European. 42% of subjects don’t know their immunization schedule. 93.1% are immune against varicella and 90.8% against measles, but only 69,2% are immune against rubella and 61,5% against mumps. 81% have been vaccinated against hepatitis B and 80,8% are protected. 35% related to be vaccinated against hepatitis A, but 52.3% are protected. 65% of them never have been flu vaccinated. Conclusion: A lack of knowledge about vaccine has been found. Protection against mumps and rubella is not enough. Immunization coverage against VHB, VHA and flu is low for this biological risk population. Lot of the subjects doesn’t have a labour medical history consistent with serological results.
Referencias bibliográficas
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