Del narcisismo a la depresión a través de la agresión. Ilustraciones clínicas para el desarrollo de un modelo transformacional de un subtipo de depresión

  1. Hugo Bleichmar 1
  2. Javier Ramos 1
  3. Ángeles Castro 1
  4. Jesús Fernández Rozas 1
  1. 1 Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre

    Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre

    Madrid, España


Aperturas psicoanalíticas: Revista de psicoanálisis

ISSN: 1699-4825

Ano de publicación: 2020

Número: 64

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Aperturas psicoanalíticas: Revista de psicoanálisis


This paper presents a possible pathway, including the pathway’s interim steps, through which a narcissistic disorder –grandiose or vulnerableand aggression can contribute to produce, as an end result, a depressive disorder. An attempt is made to understand how and why each step in the pathway leads to each subsequent step. This step-wise approach, which we are calling the transformational model, will be illustrated through several clinical cases derived from a time-limited group psychotherapy. The benefits of a transformational model for understanding depression in individuals with narcissistic pathology is that such an approach could prove useful in designing more effective therapeutic interventions that are individually-tailored to target each of the specific steps in the pathway. We suggest that a transformational model, applied here towards depression, similarly could be applied to improve the understanding and treatment of other psychopathological disorders