La función tutorial en la educación superior. Análisis antropológico de la educabilidad y su relación con la tutoría universitaria

  1. Tomás Pastor, Lina María
Supervised by:
  1. María García Amilburu Director

Defence university: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 30 May 2008

  1. Rafael Alvira Domínguez Chair
  2. Elisa Gavari Starkie Secretary
  3. Marta Ruiz Corbella Committee member
  4. Jean Henri Bouché Peris Committee member
  5. David Reyero Committee member

Type: Thesis


The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and its implementation in Spain will involve changes in the Spanish Universities in new methodologies, but also in the way of conceiving the processes of teaching and learning. The central role that the student acquires and interest in its global training, has produced a growing literature around a factor that will become key to the successful implementation of the EHEA in our country: The University Tutorials. The tutorials at the university, along with other methodologies, will be cause and consequence of the implementation of training programs for the tutor. In 2004 appears the Guide for tutorial work at the University in the EHEA, document funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, which, among other things, it talks about the training areas must have a tutor for optimal performance of his work. Among those training areas, the Guide defines the Philosophy of Education, within the theoretical knowledge of education and related sciences, but left unspecified -as it does with other areas- what aspects of the philosophy of education have to be addressed in this training. We can also check that among the theoretical models on tutorial work at the University, developed in the recent literature, few of them have established a foundation -psychological, pedagogical, sociological- in their expositions, and even less from an anthropological perspective, so you can expect that this view will not be found in the training of tutors to fulfill its role at the University. Therefore, in this Thesis we aim to develop an anthropological base of the university tutorials from the Philosophy of Education, in particular from the concept of educability, to subsequently develop an anthropological training program for university tutors.