Procedimiento de estimación del coste del ciclo de vida de un sistema de armas en España

  1. Pastor Sánchez, Javier
Dirigida per:
  1. Jesús Alberto Perdices Mañas Director/a

Universitat de defensa: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 04 de de febrer de 2016

  1. Antonio Fonfría Mesa President
  2. Virginia Bejarano Vázquez Secretari/ària
  3. Silvia Giralt Escobar Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The life cycle of these weapons systems is defined as the time interval between the product conception stage and its withdrawal from service. The LCC technique is a discipline or process of gathering, interpreting and analysing data and utilising tools and quantitative techniques to forecast the resources necessary at any stage of the life cycle of the system in question. Life cycle costs are the result of this process. Cost-effectiveness analysis is recommended and utilised as a tool supporting decision-making for evaluating the purchase or modernisation of a weapon system, this is the case, amongst others, for our defence department and for the experts Blanchard and Fabrycky. Cost analysis should be considered from a holistic prospective and not just from the viewpoint of the procurement process currently underway, since, 60-80% of the total cost is concentrated during the use&support system phases, so is an error to consider only the procurement phase to analyze an investment solution. The 67/2011 SEDEF/MINISDEF/ESPAÑA rule regulates the provision process of material resources throughout its life cycle. To evaluate initially the programs that comply with the solution, life cycle cost estimation as a tool for decision is used. The aim of this work is to present the life cycle costs (LCC) estimation procedure in Spain, to compare it with those of the principal organizations to which we belong (NATO, OCCAR) and to check, since September 2011, the use of historic information, techniques, parameters and breakdown structures in the LCC estimations reports performed, proposing improvements, if needed , further verify the degree of coverage that historically our systems cover the CCV and its use in estimating CCV.