Inundaciones en la cuenca del río Amarguillo (Toledo)

  1. A. Potenciano de las Heras 1
  2. J. Martínez Goytre 2
  3. J.J. Durán Valsero 3
  4. G. Garzón Heydt 1
  1. 1 Dpto. Geodinámica. F.C.C. Geológicas. Universidad Complutense
  2. 2 GAMA, S.L. Madrid
  3. 3 I.T.G.E. Ríos Rosas, Madrid

ISSN: 0213-683X

Datum der Publikation: 1996

Nummer: 20

Seiten: 1135-1137

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Geogaceta


Flood ocurrence in the Consuegra (Toledo) region has been studied according to historical records and hydrometereological methods based on rainfall data. The Amarguillo river, upstream from Consuegra, has a flow around 109 m3/seg. for 100 years, which represents almost halfof the total flow (235 m3/seg. far 100 years). Main floods occur in the upper basin, where Consuegra is located, rélated to larger slopes but less infiltration capacity. Adjusting these results to the catastrophic flood that ocurred in 1891, it has been estimed to have a recurren ce period of 100 years. The disastrous effect of this flood can therefore be justified by the channe/ constriction by buildings, rather than to other externa/ causes like an ancient roman dam break, upstream from Consuegra.