La lectura smart. El acceso a la literatura a través de bibliotecas digitales —Mnemosine y Ciberia

  1. Dolores Romero López
452ºF: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada

ISSN: 2013-3294

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Humanitats Digitals i Estudis Literaris: aproximacions crítiques

Issue: 23

Pages: 32-52

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1344/452F.2020.23.2 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: 452ºF: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada

Sustainable development goals


| In response to the new on-screen reading and writing habits that are emerging as a result of digital editing, this article discusses the main characteristics that experts consider to be valued in academic digital reading, and proposes two collections on line (Mnemosine and Ciberia) as support for the development of organic readings of digitized, interactive and digital native texts. Another objective is to expose and evaluate the results of the research on our interactive collections that aim to edit, enrich and share in digital format books in order to enrich the uses of the past. As a result of this interactive editing experience we will offer some theoretical reflections. The benefits that digital reading brings to the individual at the cognitive level follow the five principles of intelligent reading: (1) Simplicity (2) Motivation (3) Accessibility (4) Recycling and (5) Transfer to the global community to allow new re-readings of the cultural legacy. This SMART reading model that we propose can reach a great development if contents are linked between different interactive books that promote both significant learning and literary awareness.

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