Strength of the Iberian intrapale lithospherecenozoic deformations and seismicity

  1. S. Martín-Velázquez
  2. G. de Vicente
  3. D. Gómez-Ortiz
  4. F. J. Elorza
Journal of iberian geology: an international publication of earth sciences

ISSN: 1886-7995 1698-6180

Año de publicación: 2016

Volumen: 42

Número: 1

Páginas: 39-54

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.5209/REV_JIGE.2016.V42.N1.50836 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor

Otras publicaciones en: Journal of iberian geology: an international publication of earth sciences


Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the center of Iberia fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. This heterogeneity has been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.

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