El urbanismo como instrumento de contención de la actividad turística en los centros urbanosalcance y limitaciones

  1. De la Calle Vaquero, M.
  2. Mendoza-de-Miguel, S.
  3. Ferreiro-Calzada, E.
  4. García, M.
Sostenibilidad turística: "overtourism vs undertourism"
  1. Guillem X. Pons (coord.)
  2. Asunción Blanco Romero (coord.)
  3. L. Troitiño Torralba (coord.)
  4. M. Blázquez Salom (coord.)

Publisher: Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears

ISBN: 978-84-09-22881-2

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 121-134

Congress: Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación (17. 2020. Barcelona)

Type: Conference paper


Recent problems associated with the growth of tourism in urban centres have led to the adoption of measures to contain tourism activity in some of Spain's main cities. The municipal authorities have resorted to urban planning instruments to contain the growth of the accommodation supply in the areas of greatest pressure, indirectly favouring its spread to more peripheral areas. The city of Madrid has adopted measures of this type, included in the Special Plan for regulating the use of tertiary services in the accommodation category, approved in March 2019. Although instruments of this type make it possible to adequately regulate the implementation of hotel accommodation in full buildings, they present greater limitations to controlling the supply of tourist housing due to their greater similarity to residential use.