América Latina en el espejo de la globalización

  1. Malamud Rikles, Carlos Daniel
Nueva sociedad

ISSN: 0251-3552

Argitalpen urtea: 2008

Zenbakia: 214

Orrialdeak: 67-74

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Nueva sociedad


China captures 30% of world private investment in the developing world, while Brazil receives barely 7%. Since 1990, Latin America has reduced poverty from 48,3% to 35,1%, while in Vietnam nowadays it does not reach 15%. Despite its economic growth and its social advances in recent years, Latin America is far from finding an adequate solution for inserting itself in the globalization process. This article argues that this is the fault of the misconceived nationalistic and populist visions prevalent in the region.