La figura del asistente personal en la promoción de la autonomía y la vida independiente de las personas con discapacidad intelectual

  1. Ruiz Ambit, Sandra
Supervised by:
  1. Dolores Izuzquiza Gasset Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 28 April 2016

  1. Manuel Santiago Fernández Prieto Chair
  2. Gustavo Sánchez Canales Secretary
  3. Araceli del Pozo Armentia Committee member
  4. Pablo José García Sempere Committee member
  5. Yuraima Lucila Rodríguez Blanco Committee member

Type: Thesis


One of the challenges of the models of intervention with people with intellectual disabilities is to promote their autonomy and independent living. This aim reflects a basic right of any person: being the protagonist agents of their own life project. In this Doctoral Thesis two studies that try to validate the figure of the Personal Assistant which can promote autonomy and training for independent living for people with intellectual disabilities are made. In a first study, the perceived needs of supporting independent life are investigated by both 120 young people with intellectual disabilities and 147 families. The results of this study demonstrate that individuals with intellectual disabilities and families, are aware of the importance of professional support in this area. These results contribute to create a model of Personal Assistant that applies in the second study through the analysis of 10 cases with different support needs. The evaluation of these experiences confirms that the figure of the Personal Assistant can promote autonomy and independent living. The doctoral thesis includes a digital Orientation Guide for Personal Assistants.