Estructura social, conflictos y cosmovisiones en la vida cotidiana de una población manchega del siglo XVIII

Supervised by:
  1. Octavio Uña Juárez Director

Defence university: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Fecha de defensa: 16 December 2015

  1. Manuel Villoria Mendieta Chair
  2. Maximiliano Fernández Fernández Secretary
  3. Jesús Ignacio Martínez Paricio Committee member
  4. Carlos Miguel Clemente Díaz Committee member
  5. Francisco Gómez Gomez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 399460 DIALNET


Abstract. The roots of the social behaviour and interaction are in the background of the society as an ensemble of mentalities that only can be known by the interpretation and comprehension through social events. The worldview would be the systematic and whole understanding of society, rational explanation, but also affective, artistic and even mystic. The worldview of the 18th Century ¿expiation society¿ explain the coordination of the order and the conflict, the normative and ethical framework, rites and beliefs, and even the concept and organization of time and space. But, first of all, it explains the concept of blood by association with Christ¿s expiation and consequently the honors of the clean blood as a social stratification criteria, which is showed, as the rest of social aspects, in a system of meanings and symbols, primary aim of the sociology. Present society and modernity are due to the 18th Century change, inside the change between the ¿expiation society¿ worldview and rational explanation of the world and mankind whose roots are in the age of Enlightenment, this change is due to external factors, slow change and less impact in rural areas than in urban ones, it supposed a change in social, economic, politic and even technological and scientific relationships, besides the birth of many scientific disciplines such as Sociology. The Sociology is the science that explain society. This sociological research claims the knowledge and interpretation of this society in its past environment which even states ¿there is nothing new under the sun¿ (except Technology).