El videojuego como software

  1. Márquez, Israel V.
Actas II Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital: espacios para la interactividad y la inmersión
  1. García García, Francisco (dir. congr.)
  2. Gértrudix Barrio, Manuel (coord.)
  3. Gértrudix Barrio, Felipe (coord.)

Publisher: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 978-84-939077-5-4

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 2

Pages: 921-929

Congress: Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital (2. 2011. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


There is no doubt that videogames have become one of the paradigmatic forms in contemporary popular culture and culture industry. Much of this success lies in their capacity to serve as an immersive and interactive medium. However, videogames, like most new media art, focus on the visual, acoustic or tactile product, that is, that we "see" directly on the screen, overlooking the process that makes it possible: the programming code. In recent years, a number of authors (Manovich, Galloway, Cramer, Fuller) have begun to criticize this fact arguing that digital media are based on computers and thus software. By emphasizing what we "sec" on the screen, the final product, software is hidden, which had led to considering software as a simple tool and ignoring to what extent the code defines the artwork. This paper proposes an approach to videogames that focus on their condition of pre-programmed medium and tries to demonstrate how their rules and inherent limitations have important implications in the immersion interactivity of the players