Medición del tiempo de efectividad de los tuits. Interés y vida de la información en la era de las redes sociales

  1. Mena Muñoz, Sergio
Investigar la Comunicación hoy. Revisión de políticas científicas y aportaciones metodológicas: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación
  1. Vicente Mariño, Miguel (coord.)
  2. González Hortigüela, Tecla (coord.)
  3. Pacheco Rueda, Marta (coord.)

Editorial: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Juridicas y de la Comunicación ; Universidad de Valladolid

ISBN: 978-84-616-4124-6

Ano de publicación: 2013

Título do volume: Comunicaciones 1

Volume: 1

Páxinas: 173-184

Congreso: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación (1. 2013. null)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The microblog Twitter has become a great revolution in the small panorama of global Social Media after unite on a single platform the brevity of short text messages (SMS) with the globalization of the social platforms recipients. Since its launch in 2006 it has grown exponentially, reaching more than 500 million users in only six years. This development has been increasing over the months not only in quantity but also in communication weight as to increase their ability to reach more people, so has their ability to influence them. With the premise contained in your question for the user "What's going on?", canceled in 2012, it comes to taking the pulse of events taking place in real time on the planet but really is wondering �] or was �] "What are you thinking?" The sudden incursion of Twitter in the Communication 2.0 World has opened the door to new considerations in obtaining data concerning the nature of a form of communication, in this case massive construction. One of those considerations passes wonder how influential and effective platform is when others get receive the content broadcast by the issuers of the messages. A priori it is assumed that as time passes after its publication, this influence is losing strength and effectiveness, what we would call "life" of a tweet. Getting that lifetime measure of the messages and relate to their weight in the network is presented as a new challenge in the methodologies applied to social networks.