El abrigo del molino (Segovia, España)un nuevo yacimiento musteriense en el interior de la península ibérica

  1. Álvarez Alonso, David
  2. Andrés Herrero, María de
  3. Díez Herrero, Andrés
  4. Rojo Hernández, Julio A.
Investigaciones Arqueológicas en el valle del Duero. Del Paleolítico a la Antigüedad Tardía: actas de las III Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero Salamanca 20, 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2013
  1. González de la Fuente, Francisco Javier (coord.)
  2. Paniagua Vara, Enrique (coord.)
  3. Inés Sutil, Patricia de (coord.)

Verlag: Glyphos

ISBN: 978-84-943056-2-7

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Titel des Bandes: Investigaciones Arqueológicas en el valle del Duero: Del Paleolítico a la Antigüedad Tardía

Seiten: 17-29

Kongress: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero (3. 2013. Salamanca)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


We present the fi rst results of this recent discovery in Duero basin, that complement existing gaps, providing us a new vision of continuity in Neanderthal settlements along the fi rst half of the Upper Pleistocene. In the area comprised between Central System Mountain range and Duero�s valley, there are short evidences of Middle Palaeolithic deposits, and most of them consist in lithic industries in open air sites in fluvial deposits. Archaeological excavations of Pinilla del Valle�s sites confirm the presence of Neanderthal groups since the final part of Middle Pleistocene OIS 6-5, and the beginning of OIS 4; Jarama VI site contains evidences of settlement during OIS 3 and the last OIS 4, while the recent discovery of Abrigo del Molino is dated in OIS 4. With this information we can checked that from the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene until OIS 3, there is a continued presence of Neanderthal groups in the interior part of the Iberian Peninsula.