Estudio interdisciplinar del IPCE aplicado a tejidos del Valle del Nilo procedentes del Museo de la Abadía de Montserrat

  1. Tomas Antelo
  2. Ángela Arteaga
  3. Pilar Borrego
  4. M. ª Antonia García
  5. Elena González
  6. Lidia Santalices
  7. Estrella Sanz
  8. Carmen Vega
La Ciencia y el Arte: ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Verlag: Ministerio de Cultura

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Titel des Bandes: La Ciencia y el Arte III. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio

Ausgabe: 3

Seiten: 253-268

Art: Buch-Kapitel


This paper presents the methodology and results obtained in an interdisciplinary study carried out between different sections of the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute (IPCE), responding to the need for conservation and documentation of the Textile Heritage. Out of 40 textile fragments from the Nile Valley, which were sent by the Museum of the Abbey of Montserrat (Barcelona) to the IPCE for their conservation, in this work we selected the item with inventory number TCMDM-31. This piece is a tabula, with decoration inserted into the background of a tissue or applied by sewing. It was used as decoration of clothing such as tunics and shawls, or for ornamentation of textiles. The results obtained show the important benefits of the interdisciplinary work when the study of an historical textile is tackled. Multispectral analysis offers a powerful tool to provide key information for the technical study of a textile and is useful for preliminary scanning of fibers and employed dyestuff. These studies are essential before carrying out a restoration process.