Conservación y restauración del patrimonio paleontológico: innovación técnica en limpieza con láser y papetas en fósiles del yacimiento paleontológico de Lo Hueco

  1. Manuel Blanco
  2. Fátima Marcos-Fernández
  3. Paula Ruiz-Gómez
  4. Soledad Díaz
  5. Francisco Ortega
La Ciencia y el Arte: Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Publisher: Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones ; Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

Year of publication: 2017

Volume Title: La Ciencia y el Arte VI. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio

Volume: 6

Pages: 322-340

Type: Book chapter


In 2007, a paleontological site with vertebrate fossils from Late Cretaceous was discovered in Fuentes (Cuenca Province). During excavation, more than 8000 fossils were retrieved among which the most singular are a set of 20 partial skeletons of titanosaurian sauropods in anatomic connection. The fossils present conservation problems derived from the complex matrix (with clays, gypsum and iron oxides) that enclose and fill them. This matrix does not allow the treatment and stabilization of the specimens nor their direct visual inspection. Therefore, it is necessary to apply reliable treatments that selectively remove the coatings without compromising stability, and voiding the loss of material. The use of cleaning techniques based on laser ablation, solvent gels or their combination can be an alternative in those cases in which the use of traditional cleaning techniques is not recommended. In this project we analyze some of these treatments on samples from the paleontological site of Lo Hueco.