Los adolescentes con mejores resultados académicos y más habilidades sociales tienen menos conductas de riesgo en sus relaciones sexuales

  1. Orejón de Luna, Gloria
  2. González Rodríguez, M.P.
Evidencias en pediatría

ISSN: 1885-7388

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Alea: 6

Zenbakia: 2

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Evidencias en pediatría


Authors� conclusions: cognitive competence and social and behavioral competence can be protective factors for ASRH (adolescent sexual and reproductive health) outcomes. Reviewers� commentary: adolescents and young adults experience negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes, such as sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy.This systematic review of observational studies describes that cognitive competence and social and behavioral competence can be protective factors for ASRH outcomes (ever had sex, use of contraception and pregnancy/birth). However, some aspects such as the variability in clinical measures in the studies, the lack of description of the magnitude of the association, make it difficult to ascertain the association between competence and ASRH outcomes.