En busca del "Auleph"Aproximación a los entornos digitales para la gestión del aprendizaje

  1. Álvarez García, Sergio

ISSN: 1697-8293

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Comunicación y Sociedad: de la Anorexia y Vigorexia

Volume: 8

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Icono14


The management of learning through Information Technology and Com-munication (ICT) is a major concern of educational innovation within the Knowledge Society. This article is an approach to the key, milestones and challenges of digital environments in order to give effective coverage of current and impending demands of the teaching-learning processes. Through critical review of theories on educational technology and the practical interpretation of technical documentation, the article identifies the conceptual bases and fundamental requirements related to digital environments for learning manage-ment. Through functional analysis of resources and ICT solutions that make up the supply available to the educa-tion and training agents, it summarizes the ability of digital environments to meet the current needs of learning management to take advantage of synergies the latest trends within the Information Society and the Internet, and to reinvent itself in order to live a leading role in the classroom of the near future, the fate of education and training through technology

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