Identidad y prestigio en las actitudes lingüísticas de la población ecuatoriana en Madrid

  1. Sancho Pascual, María
Lengua y Migración = Language and Migration

ISSN: 1889-5425 2660-7166

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 33-56

Type: Article

More publications in: Lengua y Migración = Language and Migration


Identity and Prestige in the linguistic attitudes of the Ecuadorian population in Madrid. Over the last 15 years, the wave of migratory movements toward Spain has become a complex situation in which relationships between groups have consequentially provoked contacts between different languages and varieties of Spanish. The language, as an element of supreme importance in forming an individual�s identity, plays a fundamental role in these relationships. In the case of the Spanish-speaking immigrants in monolingual communities, the dialectal convergence and divergence are phenomena that will be employed as strategies for the bringing nearer or distancing of the social identities of the groups with whom live together in a community. The linguistic attitudes are a refl ection of the social attitudes towards its own group as well as the community which receives them, and because of this, it will be necessary to know the attitudes in order to understand the sociolinguistic process of integration for these immigrants. The causes that will generate those attitudes, and that which will be the base for the communicative accommodation, will depend on the factors of prestige, power and solidarity. The objective of this work is to study the linguistic attitudes of the resident Ecuadorian population in the city of Madrid with respect toward its own variety and toward the variety within Madrid, applying the stimulus tape, to analyze in what way the sociolinguistic integration is occurring in the Ecuadorian community of Madrid.

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