La reconfiguración del empleo público a través de leyes de coyuntura: del RDL 8/2010 al RDL 20/2012The public employment reconfiguration through conjucture laws: from RD-L8/2010 to RD-L 20/2012

  1. García Torres, Alba
Revista de información laboral

ISSN: 2254-3171

Ano de publicación: 2014

Número: 1

Páxinas: 87-136

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de información laboral


The economlc crisis effects have led to the adoption of palliatlve and corrective measures of the publlc deficit from 2009. These measures have had a sígnificant impact over the pubíc employment, mainly over staff cost5. intensively affecting the composition of the workforce and the amounts of salaries. Structural changes in the configuration of publlc employment have also been íntroduced, even though the varíous legislatíve procedures had as its clear goal the containment or reduction of the public deficit. so that the measures taken had maínly a short-term nature. In this respect, the most influential standards have been the Royal Decree-Law 812010, of May 20th, for adopting special measures to reduce the publíc deficit 20/2011, of December 30th, on urgent budgetary, tax and financial deficít measures forthe correction of the public deficit and 20/2012, of July the 13th , on measures to ensure the fiscal stability and the promotion of competitiveness.