Valor y kitsch en la muerte de Virgilio

  1. Isabel González Gil
452ºF: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada

ISSN: 2013-3294

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 12

Pages: 165-166

Type: Article

More publications in: 452ºF: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada


The following article studies the plot logic of the novel Der Tod des Vergil, in the context of Hermann Broch’s value theory and his considerations about kitsch in art and society in the first half of the 20th century. First of all, we propose moving past the romantic interpretation of the novel to focus on the circumstances under which the story was written at the prison of Bad Aussee, and the fusion of author and character. For that purpose, we suggest paying special attention to the regularity of the book’s composition, and the prevalence of ideas and symbols over facts. Furthermore, we approach some main notions of the aesthetics and ethics of Hermann Broch, such as his concepts of value, kitsch, and the opposition between literary creation and imitation. Finally, we analyze the ethos of value in some key scenes of the novel, in particular Virgil´s journey and the crucial decision to burn the Aeneid

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