El sentido arendtiano de la libertad

  1. Sissi Cano Cabildo
Tla-melaua: revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1870-6916

Année de publication: 2014

Número: 37

Pages: 6-28

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Tla-melaua: revista de ciencias sociales


According to Arendt's sense of freedom, it corresponds to the freedom of participation in public affairs. This concept has two levels: as a power (power of the will) and as an act (political participation); in regard to the preceding discussion on action, there is not a factor more decisive than what one wants, and the possibility of "self-starting" is what Arendt called freedom. Arendt does not deny the influence of context, only interprets it as conditions that have to go through the hermeneutic filter of the will; plus we are free to exercise our freedom or not. Thus, Arendt assumes a contingent conception on the subject and identifies humans as "natals", not "mortals" because she believes that every human being is always latent to the possibility of rebirth of a new living creature. From this approach, the exercise of political freedom of the majority would give a margin to believe and create the possibility of a better world.

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