Los blogs y la superación del periodista - gatekeeper en el proceso de comunicación política
- María Ruiz Carreras 1
- Francisco Cabezuelo Lorenzo 2
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad CEU San Pablo
ISSN: 2173-6588
Argitalpen urtea: 2010
Zenbakia: 1
Orrialdeak: 84-89
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: TecCom Studies: Estudios de Tecnología y Comunicación
This paper tells us about the new social function of weblogs as political communication tools used by politicians and political parties to avoid the filter of the mass media. It means the end or superseding of the journalist role as a gatekeeper according to Kurt Lewin’s theories. In the new digital context, in the contemporary political communication process, sources can transmit information directly to the receivers without taking into consideration the old schemes of lineal mass communication through the media. The media are deleted and substituted by blogs in which the politicians address directly to citizens.