La evaluación holística de la investigación en las artes en Españala necesidad y complejidad de confluir las dinámicas de los campos académico y artístico

  1. Juan Arturo Rubio Arostegui
  2. Raquel Caerols Mateo
Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas

ISSN: 2215-9959

Année de publication: 2018

Titre de la publication: Explorando Entornos Mediáticos

Volumen: 13

Número: 2

Type: Article

DOI: 10.11144/JAVERIANA.MAVAE13-2.LEHD DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas

Objectifs de Développement Durable


The epistemological nature and that of the art and its ways of acting, determine the forms of assessing the quality of research in this discipline. The co-existence of different modes of defining research in arts and its approaches make the institutional forms of assessing research more complex, because they validate new forms of conducting research as a consequence of the performative shift in social sciences. Given this situation, art professors at Spanish universities find difficulties to articulate their creative practices and to solve their research results with the assessment agencies of the university system, which results in a weakness in terms of their scholar-research capital and an evidence of the indicators of the scientometrics. Bourdieu’s field theory allows us to analyze the dynamics of the academic and artistic fields, as well as to propose possible theoretical and practical solutions for a better institutional evaluation of research. To address the problem described, we set out a qualitative analysis of the epistemological and academic dimension of the issue, and a qualitative analysis focused on the quality indicators of the main databases. Once the deficiencies and inconsistencies of the academic model and the profile of the teachers of the arts were detected, we pointed out the need to propose a model developed by the deans of faculties of fine arts but that has not been applied to these faculties