Goubak as an alternative sport of collaboration-opposition (regulated): didactic offer for Physical Education in Primary

  1. Manso-Lorenzo, Víctor
  2. Fraile-García, Javier
  3. Cambronero-Resta, Miguel
  4. Manso-Lorenzo, Javier
Education, Sport, Health and Physical Activity (ESHPA): International Journal

ISSN: 2603-6789

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Pages: 322-340

Type: Article

More publications in: Education, Sport, Health and Physical Activity (ESHPA): International Journal


Introduction: Guaranteeing adherence to the practice of physical activity in the students is one of the great challenges in Physical Education. Educational innovation is key to motivate the learners. In this first paragraph a tour is done by the importance of the alternative sports in Physical Education, and its links with the Goubak. Presentation of the Didactic Offer: Along this paragraph one proposes a foundation curricular to be able to take to the practice the didactic offer in the classrooms. Analysing the origin of this new sports modality, mixed collaboration – opposition (regulated) and of shared field, across its more important structural and regulation elements. Emphasizing the methodology and activities used for its education. Going deeply into the concept "regulated opposition” in favour of granting a major incorporation. And emphasizing its narrow relation with the computational thought, the mental calculation and the resolution of mathematical - motive raised problems. All of them very tied to the new system of punctuation, which allows to obtain points to favor and to reduce points to the opposite team. Students opinions and experiences: there are gathered valuations of the own student after its putting in practice. Conclusion: finally, there is highlighted the innovative, inclusive character and to interdisciplinary of the present sports modality, its logistic facility to implement it in the educational centers and the interest of continuing investigating in the matter.

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