Desplazamiento en la UE y dumping social en el mercado únicoestado de la cuestión y perspectivas

  1. Dolores Carrascosa Bermejo 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pontificia Comillas

    Universidad Pontificia Comillas

    Madrid, España


Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social

ISSN: 2254-3295

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Derecho social Internacional y Comunitario

Issue: 142

Pages: 37-70

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social


First of all, this article offers a panoramic view of what has been the regulation intervention of the European Union regarding posting, both from a labour and a Social Security point of view. Both regulations are articulated in a very different way, although they have obvious connections and even a common tendency within the framework of their respective reforms. In terms of Social Security, the Coordination Regulations, which have existed since 1958, aim to facilitate mobility and protection of free provision at the expense of generating social dumping occasionally. The unequal treatment of posted workers is indeed allowed in relation to the workers in the host State, by allowing the temporary implementation of the Social Security legislation of the State of origin and its corresponding tax requirements. Many years later, in the second half of the 90s, Directive 96/71/EC on posting of workers was passed, which is precisely an anti-dumping rule that imposes the equality of partial treatment, through the implementation of the labour law of the host State on certain relevant matters, provided that it is more protective than that applicable to the work contract. This Directive seeks to protect the labour rights of posted workers, maintaining a difficult balance with the free provision of services which, undoubtedly, limits them. It is striking that it is not a minimum requirement labour law aimed at protecting workers, it is a regulation of maximum requirements, as any unilateral increase in guardianship, beyond the established, is prohibited because of the violation of free provision of services. The article underlines that the Directive, which is neutral for the most developed States, has an impact on the companies of the less advanced States that have to make the aforementioned comparison, improving the conditions of their workers, losing competitiveness. The study provides possible reasons that explain this different approach to the EU law in the fields of labour and Social Security. In my opinion, the main reason lies in the very type of legislation that affects them and the intrinsic difficulty of trying to adopt a purely protective approach within the framework of the Coordination Regulations of the Social Security, necessarily associated with slow maturing rights. The article shows that, despite such differences, both regulations have a common tendency, since their respective reforms seem to have a restrictive effect on the single market which goes beyond the limitation of fraud and abuse. The growing commitment to equal treatment within the framework of the Directive and the need of greater requirements to avoid the lex loci laboris under the Coordination Regulations, can weigh on the competitiveness of companies, especially those of less developed States. The article questions if these measures are the best method to reduce the enormous economic differences between Member States. These differences undoubtedly lead to the downward competition in social rights, as a manifestation of social dumping that needs to be limited. My conclusion is that the implementation of these reformed regulations will surely not generate a greater protection of posted workers coming from less developed States, but simply a reduction of posting, less internal market in the EU: Is it no longer intended to make working conditions equal by means of progress? Did the famous invisible hand stop working? Secondly, the article provides data to know the magnitude of the posting phenomenon and its characteristics in the European Economic Area and Switzerland. The available information seems clearly insufficient, since only an approximation to its number and the origin and destination of the main flows of posting or its duration is achieved. In relation to global numbers, it is essential to put forward the details, since it is evident that the incidence of posting is not uniform in all the States, nor in all the sectors. The information has increased due to the exchange imposed by Directive 2014/67/EU, and data are already being double-checked with those handled from the PD A1; we hope all these data agree and do not surprise us too much. Thirdly, the study focuses on the Coordination Regulations, offering from a practical perspective, a critical analysis of the requirements for the implementation of the special conflict rule contained in the basic Regulation in favour of posted workers that allows to maintain the exclusive bond with the Social Security of the State of origin (Regulation EC/883/2004 article 12). The analysis focuses on the requirements for its implementation, starting with employees and requiring a bond between the worker and the company, that the latter develops a substantial activity in the State of origin and the worker benefits from the Social Security system in the country of origin. In addition, posting is likely to be temporary, with a prohibition of replacement among posted workers whose scope and practical application has been clarified by the recent judgement of the Court of Justice on the Alpenrind case C-527/16. Also, we also analyse the much less demanding requirements established for the posting of self-employed workers who can also decide to move temporarily to carry out their professional activity to another Member State. Fourth, the article discusses some questions on issuing the Portable Document (hereinafter PD A1) by the Social Security Administration of the State of origin, and that the correct bond between the posted worker and the mentioned Social Security system is credited. After analysing the impact that the recent Recommendation No.A1 of the ACCSS has had in the process of issuing these documents, the study focuses on its legally binding effects. Loyal cooperation, respect for the uniqueness of applicable law and the requirement of legal security requires that PD A1 binds the Social Security Administration and the Courts of the host State. The article shows which are the mechanisms that can be put into practice in case of disagreement or doubts from the Administration of the host State about its validity, correctness. In addition, it analyses what happens if a Court of that State considers it fraudulent, always in the light of the controversial and very recent judgement of the Court of Justice on the Altun case and other C-359/16, delimiting its practical scope. Fifth, we analyse the major developments that future regulations will bring in relation to posting, if they are finally passed in the spring of 2019. The Commission proposal of December 2016 underwent some changes in the Council and is currently pending approval in the European Parliament. The changes are not substantial, and there is a tendency to include in the framework of the Regulations issues that have been regulated up to now in the Decisions and Recommendations of the Administrative Commission and, therefore, lacking normative legal efficacy. Finally, some conclusions that I consider relevant with respect to the analysed subject are included.

Funding information

Este artículo se cerró el 22-12-2018. Forma parte de los resultados del Proyecto de investigación DER 2017-83040-C4 3-R “La Seguridad Social internacional y comunitaria: conflictos de leyes y protección social” financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (antes MINECO). Plan Estatal 2013-2016 Retos-Proyectos I+D+i. Referencia: DER2017-8340-C4-3-R.


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