Las estrategias, actividades y tareas de enseñanza en el aprendizaje comprensivo de la historia y las ciencias sociales escolares. Casos chilenos

  1. Arenas Martija, Andoni
Dirigida per:
  1. Leonor Cecilia Margalef García Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 04 de de març de 2010

  1. Juan Manuel Álvarez Méndez President
  2. Cristina Canabal García Secretari/ària
  3. Laura Méndez Zaballos Vocal
  4. Liliana Torres Barberis Vocal
  5. M. Pilar Lacasa Díaz Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 288580 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Though this investigation it is hoped to contribute to de scholastic education of the history and the socials sciences in Chile, in order to have a more comprehensive glance of what it is really happens in the classroom to teach and learn this disciplines, and so this can be a contribution to a high cognitive demands of the curriculum. The investigation makes it possible from pedagogical practices of educational of elementary and secondary schools in the cities of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. It was possible due to the investigations of the strategies, activities and tasks of the educational learning to facilitators the understanding of the students. From this analysis it is considered than the use of certain activities or tasks of educational learning allows to see the senses and purposes of their owns pedagogical practices as well as the real opportunities that each students have to understand the history, geography and others sciences. This opportunities occurs, according to the studied cases, when it is favoured and have the opportunity to carry out their own thought of each discipline involving the teachers and students in the development of the academic tasks with educational purpose, even if these are simples and traditional like the orals explanations supported in complex or specific questions and answers like the development of a historical story. To understand why certain strategies, activities or tasks offers more opportunities to learn it is required to study the routines and context that life give you. The existence or the routines well defined formalize in a different ways of teaching and learning history and Social History. In these ways the activities and tasks plays an important role overhang among them, those that make it possible a work of a great cognitive exigency that inclines to the development and it is supported with instruments and specific didactic resources. To make this activities and tasks with these distinguishing senses the participation of the students in greater, the creativity of the products made by them increases and they progress better in their curricular goals. Several of the instruments and resources studied were repeated in different cases: la webquest, the summary pictures or the synthesis, as well as the use de questions and their owns routines of works; nevertheless there are differentiations, but antagonism respect to the potentialities for the comprehensive learning whereupon display each of them. From these discoveries we drew a new formulation of the concepts of the strategies, activities and tasks, checking the use and sense of them in the classroom are teachers and students that they are part of big network of social-educative meanings, glimpsing a possible explanation between epistemology of Social Science that it is teaching and learning and the epistemology of its education and learning. The investigation was developed from a interpretative perspective, following a explanatory design. It is worked in a preliminary boundary of the problem, in the elaboration or a referential theoretical frame and in the creation of dimensions and categories of analysis. For the analysis we used de meaning (explanatory and with structure) and the triangulation (of data, methodological and theoretical). The techniques and instruments used in the collection of data were: in depth interview, focal group, semi-structured interview, non-structured interview, notes of field, records, didactic audiovideo recording, hotographies, educational materials, finals reports of formation process, evaluations instruments, evaluations results. All of these helped us to see lots of educational watching to the teachers and students looking with those that we made in classroom y also the intrinsic possibilities for the comprehensive learning.