Perspectiva jurídico-financiera del medio ambiente

  1. Ferrer Dupuy, Plácida
Supervised by:
  1. Antonia Agulló Agüero Director
  2. Juan José Bayona de Perogordo Director

Defence university: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Fecha de defensa: 14 February 2006

  1. María Teresa Soler Roch Chair
  2. Amparo Navarro-Faure Secretary
  3. Gaspar de la Peña Velasco Committee member
  4. Francisco Escribano López Committee member
  5. Francesc Xavier Cors Meya Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 149183 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This work deals with the concept of environment and its legal principles from the perspective of public expenditure. Constitutional Financial Law and the Law of Public Expenditure provide the theoretical framework of the study. The analysis focuses on the conception of environmental protection as a public need, and on the legal instruments to fulfil such need. Understanding the environment as a public need requires a proper analysis of the States complex functions. In particular, State intervention in activities of environmental protection and conservation arises problems not only related with the adoption of a wide diversity of protection measures according to the intended element to be protected, but also with the high cost of protection. Therefore, the study focuses on the financial and economic instruments for environmental protection used in our country, and specifically it deals with the use of subsidies and tax incentives for environmental purposes.