El estrés de los profesores. Un análisis sobre factores de estrés en los profesores de secundaria de Murcia
- José Buendía Vidal Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 20 de decembro de 2011
- Abilio Reig Ferrer Presidente/a
- Jesús González Requena Secretario
- Rosario Ferrer Cascales Vogal
- Juan Sáez Carreras Vogal
- Francisco Ramos Campos Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The objective of this research was to study the stress and burnout in secondary school teachers who teach in public or subsidized or private schools in the municipality of Murcia. This is a cross-sectional study. This was applied to a sample (N= 221) a demographic questionnaire, a scale of sources of stress, burnout questionnaire Maslach (MBI), the stress coping questionnaire (CAE), the Zung Depression Scale and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale. After collecting the data, we proceeded to the descriptive analysis (percentages and frequencies) and inferential (correlation and contrast of means). Similarly, we designed a predictive model through discriminant analysis. The results indicate that variables such as student behavior, bureaucracy or overhead functions related to high levels of stress and burnout in teachers. In fact, we find that a third are levels considered high emotional exhaustion (32.6%), almost half (39.1%) have low levels of personal achievement, and more than two thirds had high levels of depersonalization (71%). These findings raise the need for a reflection on the current situation of teachers and the conditions they are subjected.