Una solución federal ibérica para las Españas.

  1. Emilio Suñé Llinás 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Pensamiento al margen: revista digital sobre las ideas políticas

ISSN: 2386-6098

Année de publication: 2020

Titre de la publication: Nacionalismo: teorías y prácticas.

Número: 13

Pages: 48-68

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Pensamiento al margen: revista digital sobre las ideas políticas


A Federal and Iberian Solution for Las Españas is an article that summarizes the main ideas of my book The Deep Constitution of Las Españas and the Iberian Federation. The Catalonian secessionist process of 2017, failed due to the application of article 155 of Spanish Constitution, was the summit, in a confrontational tone, of a long history of disagreements, which has ever happened about the insertion of Catalonia in Spain, or better Las Españas; there is also another much more fortunate and happy story based on pactism and agreement. A similar history has been written, too, about the question of the insertion of the Basque Country in Las Españas. The author proposes a new deal, which solves endemic problems that prevent us from moving forward, through a federal solution, which also opens up to Portugal, if the neighbor country so wishes, in order to constitute an Iberian Federation, which could be expanded, with confederal ties, mainly Atlantic ties, but also with extensions in the Pacific and even the Mediterranean sea, to built a strong global actor. Against the separating and centralist tensions, we need and we plant an ambitious common project among equals, which will generate that great cultural, economic and political global actor, that we could be.

Références bibliographiques

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