Evaluation of the Alfred™ turbidity monitoring system (Alifax®) following sonication in the diagnosis of central venous catheter colonization

  1. Alonso, B.
  2. Latorre, M.C.
  3. Cruces, R.
  4. Ampuero, D.
  5. Haces, L.
  6. Martín-Rabadán, P.
  7. Sánchez-Carrillo, C.
  8. Rodríguez, B.
  9. Bouza, E.
  10. Muñoz, P.
  11. Guembe, M.
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

ISSN: 1435-4373 0934-9723

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 38

Issue: 9

Pages: 1737-1742

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S10096-019-03606-Y GOOGLE SCHOLAR