Eficacia en la eliminación de macronutrinentes de un sistema de depuración de aguas residuales urbanas mediante infiltración directa sobre el terreno (Geodepuración)

  1. L. Moreno 1
  2. M.A. Casermeiro 2
  3. J.R. Quintana 2
  4. M.A. Fernández-Jurado 1
  5. S. Castaño 1
  1. 1 Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Dirección de Hidrogeología y Aguas Subterráneas
  2. 2 Dpto. de Edafología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Any de publicació: 2004

Títol de l'exemplar: VI CONGRESO GEOLÓGICO DE ESPAÑA (Zaragoza, 12-15 julio, 2004)

Número: 6

Pàgines: 169-172

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Geotemas (Madrid)


Direct infiltration through the soil is both an efficient and a cheap urban groundwater purificationsystem. It is too a good alternative to the convencional methods in small towns without industrialspills. The typical efficiency of the IDT has been measured in wet climates, high residual waterapplication rates (from 6 to 100 m/y) and filter bed with high hydraulic conductivity. The greaterpart of the Spanish zones in which IDT can be applied don't have the previously mentioned characteristics. In Dehesas de Guadix (Spain) it has been constructed an experimental model to checkthe IDT efficiency in semiarid regions (rainfall under 300 m/y) and filter bed permeability under0.05 cm/min. After six years of experimentation, the efficiency obtained has shown to be very goodfor phosphorous, organic matter, DQO, sodium and potasium. However, it has been a very highaddition of sulphates, calcium and nitrogen. Finally, all the nitrogen has been completely oxidized but the elimination has not surpassed the 18%.