La suspensión del lanzamiento del deudor hipotecarioanálisis de las reformas operadas por el Real Decreto Ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo y de la reciente jurisprudencia de los Tribunales

  1. Teresa Asunción Jiménez París 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario

ISSN: 0210-0444

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Jahr: 96

Nummer: 782

Seiten: 3974-3992

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario


Royal Decree Law 6/2020 extends until May 15, 2024 the suspension of launches of mortgage debtors classified as «vulnerables». Suspension occurs when the foreclosing mortgagee executing is awarded the property in the proceeding, or when it is awarded by the assignee of the mortgage loan. Not so when a third-party auctioneer buys the asset at auction, since, otherwise, the essential content of the property right recognized in articles 33 and 53.1 of the Spanish Constitution would be infringed. The foreclosed mortgage debtor can opt for a rental under non-market conditions within six months following the suspension of the launch, provided that the executing entity adhered to the Code of Good Practices, in the version given by the Royal Decree - Law 5/2017. If you do not opt for the launch, you will be able to stay until that date in the home enjoying a right of room granted by law. Although this real right of legal habitation damages a third party protected by the property registry, for the agreed lease to affect it, it must be recorded, if it is a lease subscribed under the validity of Law 4/2013 or under the validity of Royal Decree - Law 21 / 2018. In the case of the lease being subscribed under the validity of Royal Decree - Law 7/2019, there is an exception to the public registry faith in favor of the unregistered lease, so that said lease would harm the third party protected by property registry during the period of five years of forced extension for the landlord.

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