Historias pintadas de una ciudadPropuesta didáctica para conocer Madrid

  1. Jesús Ángel Sánchez Rivera
Nuevas tendencias en investigación e innovación en didáctica de la historia, patrimonio cultural y memoria. Proyección educativa
  1. María de la Encarnación Cambil Hernández (coord.)
  2. Fabiana de Oliveira (coord.)
  3. Antonio Rafael Fernández Paradas (coord.)
  4. Guadalupe Romero-Sánchez (coord.)
  5. Adailson José Rui (coord.)

Éditorial: Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-6766-7

Année de publication: 2020

Pages: 319-333

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


We propose a didactic approach to the history of Madrid through the representations of its urban landscape. In this way, we designed an interdisciplinary method, combining the knowledge of the painting of urban views that have been made since the establishment of the Court in this city (1561) and the knowledge of its historical development. In other words, we cover a temporary arc that goes from the last third of the 16th century to practically the present. It also includes other cultural contents (literature, customs, festivities...), geographical or philosophical aspects, which enrich the vision of those paintings and complete the historical discourses offered by the city of Madrid. On the other hand, our work pays special attention to the perceptual aspects of the landscape, whose reflective learning can be exercised through the analysis and critical commentary of the pictorial images of the past confronted with the real images that it offers the city at present. To do this, we will use a model of fieldwork data sheet making use of diverse technological tools in mobile devices (digital images off line and on line, digital cartography and software of georeferencing, etc.), being able to adapt for work in the classroom.