Películas de mezclas de PLA-PHB para aplicaciones de envases alimentarios sostenibles

  1. Marina P. Arrieta
  2. Daniel López García
  3. José María Kenny
  4. Laura Peponi
  5. López Martínez, Juan
Revista de plásticos modernos: Ciencia y tecnología de polímeros

ISSN: 0034-8708

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Zenbakien izenburua: Envase y embalaje

Alea: 111

Zenbakia: 710

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de plásticos modernos: Ciencia y tecnología de polímeros


The development of packaging based on plastics coming from renewable resources and with biodegradable characteristics has gained special interest in the food packaging industry because they represent a promising alternative to replace conventional petroleum-based polymers commonly used for food packaging applications. PLA is biobased and biodegradable thermoplastic that has gained industrial interest due to its advantageous characteristics for food packaging. However, for the production of PLA films it presents some disadvantages such as low flexibility and poor barrier properties. To increase its extensibility the addition of plasticizers is necessary. To improve the barrier properties a simple and economically viable industrial strategy is blending it with another more crystalline biopolymer, such as poly (hydroxybutyrate) (PHB). In this regard, in recent years PLA-PHB blends have gained special interest for the development of biobased and biodegradables films for food packaging. This article describes a simple and an industrially scalable methodology to improve the properties of PLA for its use as films in food packaging applications