La explotación de megafaunas en el Paleolítico inferior africanoNuevas perspectivas desde BK (Bell Korongo, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania). Proyecto PR47/17-20999

  1. Sainz de los Terreros, José Yravedra
  2. Baquedano, Enrique
  3. Aramendi, Julia
Informes y Trabajos: Excavaciones en el exterior

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 19

Seiten: 80-86

Art: Artikel


This paper presents the main results of the excavation campaign undertaken during 2018 at the Bell Korongo (BK) site in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. It is intended to prepare a large excavation surface on which to work in future years in order to respond to various questions related to the interpretation of the site. BK is an iconic site that has provided an exceptional wealth of wildlife fossils with abundant carnage marks associated with stone tools associated with the technocomplex considered evolved Olduvayense. One of the main characteristics of the animals located in the site is their size, with a great abundance of megafauna with clear signs of having an anthropic action. The main question is how these animals arrived at the site, and to be able to respond appropriately to this question, an extended excavation is needed to allow us to fully understand this site.