Método didáctico inclusivo para el reconocimiento t´áctil de minarales, rocas y fósilesdiseño y claves pedagógicas (Parte I)

  1. Victoria López-Acevedo
  2. Mª Desamparados Pilán Asián
  3. Mª Rosario Alcalde Fuentes
  4. Sol López Andrés
  5. Javier Goñi
  6. Juan Carlos Chicote
Enseñanza de las ciencias de la tierra: Revista de la Asociación Española para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra

ISSN: 1132-9157

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Zenbakien izenburua: Geología Inclusiva

Alea: 28

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 189-198

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enseñanza de las ciencias de la tierra: Revista de la Asociación Española para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra


This paper reflects the experience and results obtained from different groups of blind people and also people with intact vision, when trying to “blindly” recognize a collection of minerals and other geological materials, selected from the “stones” of the Zodiac as described in The Lapidary of Alfonso X “El Sabio”. This experience and results are reflected in a new complementary collection and the detailed description of a methodology to carry out the proposed activity. The second collection has been chosen from among those Lapidary minerals, rocks and fossils which were not selected for the previous one. As with the previous collection, the specimens have been selected for having properties suitable for being identified by the haptic2 channel, along with other intangible qualities which can readily stimulate the interest of the participants in the identity parade, and to facilitate the teaching and learning of these materials associated with Earth Sciences. These qualities refer both to the magic enclosed in each «stone” itself, described in the thirteenth century, and to other real values associated with its origin, discovery, uses, etc. The experience gained from the workshops involving these collections has contributed to the profiling of this activity, which from an all-inclusive perspective, intertwines the historical and cultural elements contained in the Lapidary with the material knowledge of this area.