Hacia la ciudad moralespacios de ocio y sociabilidad popular en la España urbana liberal (1840-1868)

  1. Javier San Andrés Corral
Sociedades y culturas: IX Congreso de Historia Social. Treinta años de la Asociación de Historia social. Comunicaciones. Oviedo, 7-9 de noviembre de 2019
  1. Santiago Castillo (coord.)
  2. Uría, Jorge (coord.)

Editorial: Asociación de Historia Social

ISBN: 9788409124855

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 879-898

Congreso: Asociación de Historia Social. Congreso (9. 2019. Oviedo)

Tipo: Achega congreso


This article analyses the transformation of urban space in Spain about the middle of 19th Century, focusing in the relationship between leisure sociability and the production and ordination of urban space. The case of Guadalajara, a little town near Madrid, allow us to approach this relationship, in which the design of a new urban space was driven to fit its appearance to its condition of provincial capital. In the paper are analysed the construction of places and a great municipal park, and cafés, tabernas and other intermediate and boundary sociability spaces.