Los Arqueros de Asur. La documentación del Archivo Asur M 8 En referencia a la guarnición de arqueros de la ciudad de Asur en el siglo XIII a.C.

  1. Jaume Llop Raduá
La Batalla: Análisis Históricos y Militares
  1. Magdalena de Pazzis Pi Corrales (coord.)
  2. Ana Sanz de Bremond Mayans (coord.)
  3. Carlos Díaz-Sánchez (coord.)

Publisher: Ministerio de Defensa

ISBN: 978-84-09-24076-0

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 147-164

Type: Book chapter


This article reviews the analysis of the cuneiform tablets from the Assur M8 archives. It is clarified that the building in which the documents were found served as the large granaries of the city. Specifically, this is explained through examples which demonstrate how the texts served to register the families of the city’s bowmen. The bowmen listed in those texts were posted at, and defended, the gates of Assur. Finally, the weapons used by the bowmen are also reviewed.