¿Por qué preocupa la inmigración?Un análisis de los datos de la encuesta del CIS

  1. Ahn Jung, Namkee
  2. Vázquez Vega, Pablo
Documentos de trabajo ( FEDEA )

ISSN: 1696-7496

Argitalpen urtea: 2007

Zenbakia: 11

Orrialdeak: 1-24

Mota: Laneko dokumentua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Documentos de trabajo ( FEDEA )


In a very short time span, immigration has become one of the principal worries among the Spanish population. While some recent studies, which show positive contribution of immigration to the development of our nation, became published, at the same time the perception of immigration as a worrisome problem has been increasing. In this study, we carry out our first analysis to study this paradox. First, we suggest that the way the survey questions are formulated may have contributed to the results. We also show how the personal and local circumstances played a relevant role in explaining the probability of immigration being a source of worry, while the competition in the labour market does not appear to be very relevant. Finally, we highlight the importance of the media, which not only transmit the worries in the society but often create or amplify them. We show that the media is at least partially responsible for the evolution of immigration as a source of worry among the Spanish people.